Solar Lights for Garden

Solar lights are the perfect way to light up your lawns, gardens or yards without hassle about electricity charges. Solar garden lights are easy to install, low-cost, and eco-friendly as well. It will be an intimidating task to choose appropriate lights from vast availability in the market.

Solar Lights UAE

Solar street Light UAE


Solar Light widely used in streets and roads, residential areas, scenic spots, parks, squares, private and public gardens and other public places.

All night lighting. The light never is off, no matter whether rainy or cloudy days. This solar Light can be used in equatorial area to polar regions. The working temperature varies between 47 – 70 degree Celsius.

Choose the best Solar light outdoor in UAE.

Solar power is always an advisable source of energy to light up outdoor lights specifically in a place like the UAE with the availability of enough sunlight. Adopting solar outdoor lights reduces electrical power consumption, as those lights work mostly more than 8 hours a day.

The efficiency of Solar outdoor Lights

The predominant aspect of choosing a Solar Light is its efficiency. The efficiency of a solar light can be calculated by measuring the duration it lights up employing single charging. The charging time is also a factor. Simply, the efficiency of solar outdoor light is the amount of light produced during the nighttime from the energy consumed in the daytime.
